Sales Recovery Dashboard

Pete’s Results

Your Sales Recovery Dashboard measures your performance across 4 areas of growth, outlined below.

Sales Habits
Lead Generation
Process & Systems
Marketing Habits

Based on your results, we suggest you consider the following personalised Task List to help you get started.

Task List

  1. Put in place an online CRM that is simple, cost effective and offers opportunity for efficiency gains and better customer experience.
  2. Write down 3 things you could do to get more from your current lead sources.
  3. Write down 3 possible ways you could automate some of your lead nurturing activity.
  4. Design a series of customer journeys to put your clients on. Focus them on cross and up selling and set yourself some targets to increase the average lifetime value of each type of client.
  5. Write down 3 new ways you could segment your leads so you build a tighter definition of qualified lead.
  6. Create a sales target for the next 3 months.
  7. Write down 3 ways you could increase your average deal size and 3 ways to increase your margins. Which list will deliver more value for least effort?
  8. For each stage of your marketing funnel, write down a list of 3 things that you think your prospects would find useful/helpful and that you could offer, ideally via automation.

Brought to you by Simon Monk

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