Sales Recovery Dashboard

Simon’s Results

Your Sales Recovery Dashboard measures your performance across 4 areas of growth, outlined below.

Sales Habits
Lead Generation
Process & Systems
Marketing Habits

Based on your results, we suggest you consider the following personalised Task List to help you get started.

Task List

  1. Put in place an online CRM that is simple, cost effective and offers opportunity for efficiency gains and better customer experience.
  2. Write down 3 things you could do to get more from your current lead sources.
  3. Put a weekly 2hr slot in your diary for lead nurturing – it’s essential if you’re to improve your sales habits and disciplines.
  4. Design a series of customer journeys to put your clients on. Focus them on cross and up selling and set yourself some targets to increase the average lifetime value of each type of client.
  5. Widen your definition of what a qualified lead is and try to sell to people who you might otherwise ‘disqualify’. You may need to tweek your proposition, for example introduce a ‘Lite’ option.
  6. Create a sales target for the next 3 months.
  7. Write down 4 sales habits you will be able to do each week, starting this week. Be realistic, start small and build your sales habits up as strengthen your discipline. Email us for more information on Sales Habits.
  8. Write down a description of the person you add most value to. Be as precise as you can be. What value do you add? How difficult would it be for your competitors to copy you?