Sales Recovery Dashboard

Simon’s Results

Your Sales Recovery Dashboard measures your performance across 4 areas of growth, outlined below.

Sales Habits
Lead Generation
Process & Systems
Marketing Habits

Based on your results, our Sales Recovery Team suggest you consider the following personalised Task List to help you get started.

Task List

  1. What are the top 3 CRM improvements could you make that would improve prospects experience whilst improving your efficiency? (consider client portals, self-service member areas, online price configuration tools)
  2. Write down you ideal mix of lead sources – do you have this? List 3 things you could do to move towards this ideal position.
  3. Write down 3 possible ways you could automate some of your lead nurturing activity.
  4. List 3 ways you could increase the average amount a client spends with you over the lifetime of their relationship (called their lifetime value).
  5. Write down 3 variables that impact the accuracy of your sales forecast. What practical steps could you take to reduce your exposure?
  6. Write down 4 sales habits you will be able to do each week, starting this week. Be realistic, start small and build your sales habits up as strengthen your discipline. Email us for more information on Sales Habits.

I help a small number of companies on a retainer basis, in addition to delivering specific projects, such as online retailing, CRM implementations, campaign management and more. 

I am offering FREE consultation sessions for a limited time only. If you would benefit from a more personal and strictly confidential discussion, let’s get it arranged now. Click here to complete the form and let’s find a suitable time to chat things through. 


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